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Custom Lawn Care Solutions for Every Season

Transform Your Yard With Professional Lawn Care!

Enjoy a lush, thriving lawn showcasing the beauty of your property. Green Guardian Premium Lawn Care, serving Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties in New Jersey offers professional lawn care services tailored to your unique needs. With our proven expertise and commitment to quality, we ensure your outdoor space is vibrant and healthy throughout the year. From routine maintenance to specialized treatment options, we focus on creating a lawn you are proud to call your own. Trust our professional team for lawn care solutions that bring out the best in your yard and enhance your home’s curb appeal.

Sustainable Lawn Care for a Greener Tomorrow

Each lawn care service we offer is designed to keep your yard vibrant, healthy, and enjoyable during every season. All of our lawn care solutions are pet-friendly, kid-friendly and safe for the environment. With a variety of tailored options, we ensure you get the specific care your lawn needs. Improve the look and feel of your outdoor space while protecting your friends, family, and pets with solutions you can trust. Learn more about our premier lawn care services, including:

Worker using sprayer to distribute pesticide in fruit tree

Affordable & Organic Lawn Expertise With Outstanding Results

Our locally owned and family-operated lawn care company is dedicated to providing Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon County residents with superior services tailored to your home’s needs. We specialize in pet, kid, and environmentally friendly solutions to ensure the safety of your loved ones while also getting outstanding results. We pride ourselves on offering exceptional lawn care at a fair price, crafting custom annual programs designed just for you. With FREE estimates and a soil pH analysis, you experience a greener and safer yard, backed by a trusted and professional team.

Little boy and girl having fun and laughing on the garden in Morris, NJ

Turn Your Yard Into a Safe & Stunning Oasis

Take your yard back today with professional care designed to meet the highest standards. Schedule any service with Green Guardian Premium Lawn Care and receive a FREE estimate along with a detailed soil pH analysis to unlock your lawn’s full potential. We are ready to provide custom solutions that fit your needs and keep your loved ones safe. Trust in our experience, commitment, and environmentally friendly approach to create a yard you’ll love all year. Don’t wait! Contact us today and start the journey towards healthier, greener grass.

Get a Free Estimate

Green Guardian Premium Lawn Care


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM