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Local Lawn Care Professionals That Care!

Green Guardian Premium Lawn Care transforms lawns with professional care and eco-friendly solutions for homes in Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. Our team brings lush, thriving landscapes to homeowners and businesses, combining proven methods with innovative techniques. We prioritize quality and sustainable practices to nurture your outdoor space, delivering tailored treatments to ensure your yard stays healthy, vibrant, and resilient year-round. You can depend on us to elevate your lawn, creating a space you’ll love enjoying every day.

Mother playing with her little daughter outside in the yard in Morris, NJ

Rooted in Family, Committed to You

At Green Guardian Premium Lawn Care, being a family-owned and operated business means bringing a personal touch to every project we do. Led by Mike Spaziano, a lifelong resident of Long Valley, NJ, we approach lawn care with passion, integrity, and respect. We’re dedicated to ensuring your outdoor space is vibrant and healthy. From personalized services to our promise to make things right if you aren’t satisfied, we treat your property as if it were our own, delivering exceptional results every time.

Sustainable Lawn Care Tailored to Your Needs

Our commitment to safety, health, and environmental stewardship ensures you get the best results while protecting your family and the planet. Whether you’re looking to nurture healthy turf, renew your lawns, or maintain a pest-free yard, our services are designed to deliver exceptional outcomes with reduced pesticide use and sustainable practices. Find the best lawn care service for you, including:

Organic-Based & Fully Organic Lawn Care

Achieve a lush and healthy lawn with our specially designed programs, which minimize pesticide usage and eliminate harmful chemical treatments.

Core Aeration

Enhance your soil’s health and improve soil density with our core aeration solutions, which promote long-lasting lawn vitality and the proper soil density.


Overseeding involves both lawn patching and scattering seed without disturbing the soil, which promotes better lawn density with minimal disruption.

Organic Mosquito Control

Protect your yard from mosquitoes naturally with our organic mosquito control methods, prioritizing safety without compromising results.

Flea & Tick Control

Keep your family and pets safe with our targeted flea and tick treatments, effectively managing pests in an eco-friendly way.

Additional Services

From soil testing to lawn disease management, we provide tailored solutions to address every part of your lawn and landscape to ensure a thriving outdoor environment.

Take the First Step Toward a Healthier, Fuller Lawn

Transform your outdoor space into a safe, beautiful haven with professional lawn care services from Green Guardian Premium Lawn Care. Whether you need organic pest control, weed control, or sustainable lawn solutions, our dedicated team is ready to help. Trust us to deliver effective, environmentally conscious results tailored to your needs. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and discover the best way to care for your landscape.

Grow Greener With Eco-Friendly Lawn Solutions Today!